Once again those clever folk at ARB have been busy in Kilsyth (in suburban Melbourne – Australia) where they build the MOST extraordinary 4X4 gear you could ever want (and employing Australians to design and build it) and this time they’ve answered one of my prayers…

Now, you might remember we’ve previously reported on ARB’s LINX system, where you can control plenty of your ARB accessories; from your fridge, to your Intensity lights, to your Air-Locker and more and that is seriously clever stuff and saves a tonne of dashboard real estate from being cluttered up with switches. You can read about that here. The Kilsyth boffins have now created a stand-alone app and proprietary hardware to convert your ARB single or twin-motor compressor into a “connected” compressor (that’s a special one) that’ll make reinflation or deflation duties the proverbial piece-of-piss!

Suiting ARB compressor models CKSA12, CKMA12 and CKMTA12, simply bolt on the regulating valve, the transducer (that’s the sexy bit) and control module and look out, connectivity between your phone via the app and compressor is complete and easy ups and downs are suddenly possible.

Simply set your target pressure via the app, hook up the hose to your tyre’s valve and instantly the compressor will respond without the need for a gauge (or in my case – a stick and a watch, counting the seconds down) to get you the footprint length of your heart’s desire. Once it arrives at said pressure you’ll get an alert beep and if your want is a buzz in your pocket, a tingly reminder is possible. Uncouple the hose and move onto the next one. As the folk over at Jeep like to say at the moment… I’m in!

RRP on east-coast Australia $300 and that makes it a ripper Xmas investment I reckon!
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