It brings us no joy to confirm that our free magazine caught Covid and after a brief but ultimately fruitless struggle, died in April 2020.
In truth, it was a time of great sadness, so we drank wine, lots of wine, and eventually rallied to build a studio, engage a cast and a crew of thousands (onya Stevo), buy some AV gear, and practice doing our make-up.
Our plan was to take the dubious 4X4 reviewing abilities that David and Steane had honed to a jagged edge creating the magazine, add Rose and Georgia to raise the overall IQ level – a lot – grab some new 4X4s and head for some distant tracks.
And that’s exactly what we’ve done, so get ready because we’re back and putting the adventure into new 4X4 reviews!
In Episode One, you’ll get to meet David, Rose, Steane and Georgia (Davo, Rozzy, Steano and Geo if you only speak ‘Aussie 4X4′) and join them at Bendleby Ranges, where they put the all-new D-MAX and MR Triton through their paces on some of the most spectacular tracks in the Flinders, before heading ‘back to the studio’ for a bit of a chin wag.
There’s also an Offline Camper feature, some really cool products looked at in our Good Gear segments, David does his best to explain how something technical works in his FAQ segment – don’t worry it’s short – and a family of Apostle birds. A what?